Positioning websites is always related to term Link Building. What is in fact link building about? It is collecting links from other websites to your own site. Some time ago such method guaranteed success in search engine results. Everything because for search engine important was only amount of links leading to our website not their quality. Many websites adding their links to spam services quickly raised on top places in Google. Now this method is also effective, but only in case we will create valuable links. It’s best when links leading to our service are related to topic of our service. What we should focus our attention on when building links?

We care that our links, that aim to our website are high quality, in any case they can’t be linked from spam sites. We can’t of course add too many links. We choose progressive tactics. We increase amount added links to our website as time goes by. We’re controlling our links – we check if they weren’t deleted, it’s good to add a comment in discusion or share link in social media so the search engine notices interest in this link.

Link Building – how and where collect links?

On the beginning we have to say that before we’ll use link building we must perform some actions. First optimalization of website for search engine (how to perform optimalization we’ll write in next article). When our site optimalized we should start adding content. It’s very important for our content to be unique! We write texts by ourselves, we can’t copy it from other sites because search engine will notice it instantly. Very effective way is write a blog on your website. On such blog it’s good to write articles related to topic of our website – we put their important keywords. If our website is optimalized and rich in unique content then we can start to gather valuable links.

Most popular sources of gathering links are:

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It’s worth to start external blog, where we will write articles related to our domain. In articles we put keywords related to our website and to those we add links to our pages. Worth mentioning blogs are Wordpress or Blogger. Link building in this case is very effective.

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Linki, które posiadają bardzo dużą wartość. Najlepiej z ich udziałem pozycjonować strony internetowe firm. Oprócz linku, który możemy dodać mamy możliwość dodania danych teleadresowych naszej firmy. Ważne jest aby podczas dodawania naszej strony do katalogu wybrać odpowiednią kategorię, która związana jest z naszą witryną.

Links that are very valuable. Best to position with them webpages of companies. Besides link, that we can add we can also include address information of our company. It’s important that when adding our website we choose right category, that’s related to our website.

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Presell pages

Those are websites where we put short note together with link to our website. Presell pages commonly known as „presells” don’t have such impact as they used to. Now for search engine is important large amount of unique text. It’s still worth to have few links from such services.

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Social Media

Bardzo dobra forma marketingu internetowego. Warto prowadzić portale społecznościowe, które cieszą się największą popularnością. Dla wielu osób zajmujących się pozycjonowaniem – social media to jeden z elementów obowiązkowych. Wiele osób może dowiedzieć się o naszej firmie a w dodatku wygenerujemy dodatkowe linki do naszej strony.

Very good form of internet marketing. It’s good to start few social portal accounts, that are most popular. For many people in positioning buisness – social media are essential part. Many people will have opportunity to know our company and additionally we generete more links to our website.



What types of links we have and what’s their efficency

On the beginning we’ll describe internal links. Those are such links that lead only to our service. How to use such links? Exactly when we write an article on our blog. In example when we have a shop with shoes. We write an article about what shoes are best for running, when in our article we mention shoes that are available in our shop it’s a must to link such keyword. We create an anchor that leads to sectiion where you can find desired product.

Second type of links are external links and those are links, that help our website be noticable by search engines. They come from other services and lead directly to our domain. It’s worth to take care that they’re natural. It’s common mistake to stuff links on forums completly unrelated to our business leaving a not:  „great article visit on our site www.123.pl” – such way of linking only can make our search results worse. Link building can bring us really satisfying results. But you need to do it reasonably because suspicious links from our website may end with putting a filter on our website and it will be taken as spam source.